Friday, December 3, 2010

A much needed update

I know I haven't posted lately! Life seems to have taken over and I finally got a second to update my blog.

Santi Mae Designs Blankies and Buhos can be found for purchase at Donatello Flowers and Gifts in Anacortes,
WA and The Rusty Chandelier in Oak Harbor, WA. Baby Icing has sold to Simply Sweet Baby Boutique in Burlington, WA. Currently they do not have stock of my blankies but I will soon get them there! My creations are selling so well I feel so blessed! I wish I could have a picture of each baby with their blankie or Buho!

Another exciting update, is that we are expecting our second child! Due June 8th 2011! Whhooohoo! This pregnancy has been so different, I am sure much of that contributes to me chasing a 19month old around! I am purely exhausted. On that note... I am going to have to limit custom orders. and defiantly at least request at least 2-3weeks notice before completion. I don't want to stop all together, so I am forcing myself to have limits. Being rested at this point is very important to me. I know all those mommies out there will understand. I can't wait to make my own sweet one a special blankie :)

Thank you everyone for your support! It means more to me than you know!
Love Ashley G.


  1. Can't wait to meet the new Gonzales addition!

  2. hhehhhe! cant wait to make all my friends blankies for their future babies!
